Is your site accessible?

Some background –

25% of the population in Israel has some kind of disability (sight impaired, hearing impaired, motor disabilities, etc.). People with disabilities are very difficult and sometimes impossible to browse and enjoy from your website.

This is how a visually impaired person feels when they go online:

This is how a person with a hearing impairment feels when he goes online:

These days, the law comes into effect in the Accessibility Regulations, any new site or existing site is bound to be adapted for users with different disabilities to see the main points of the law.
Sites that are not legally accessible are subject to claims and compensation up to NIS 50,000.

Examples of sites that need to be accessible and those that are not required:

* A movie ticket selling site is required to be accessible including the app through which payment is made;

* However, a website that is a personal blog is not required;

* A site that provides information on how, for example, a car can be purchased and has information about days and hours of receiving a crowd – this information will need to be accessible;

* A website intended for clients outside the country is not required by Israeli law;

* News sites are also not required to access their sites at this time, as they do not appear in the Equality Law additions.
However, the Equal Rights Commission for People with Disabilities has expressed its position to work to amend the regulations in a way that would include these sites.

I am committed to accessibility and my site is inaccessible, what can be done?

Accessibility WordPress Plugins:

WP Accessibility

One Click Accessibility

Accessibility by UserWay


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