Important rules before Site indexing

Another way to improve the presence of your site on the web is by registering the site with various indexes on the internet.

Indexing is usually free, and the process of adding to the site takes one month.

It is important to do so meticulously and to register every month for more places.

Important rules before skipping the list:

* Select indexes that are relevant to your business domain first.
* The site description in each index must be different and varied, do not repeat the same words, be original and do not copy from the links page on your site.
* Be sure to provide proper contact information, a skier may contact you from the same index and it is a pity that the information will be incorrect.
* Make a list of where you posted, and periodically check if the site has already added you to the list.
* If the index requests that you place a link back – ignore your request, it is not helpful for a site to receive a link and return a link.

List of recommended indexes:


Search engine listing:


Know a site and it’s not on the list? Send it to us.

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